On the snow with ECS!
It has not been a winter like this in Belgrade for a long time: there was almost no snow, and the most talked about were respiratory infections and polluted air. The sled remained put away until further notice. And you have to admit that you miss snow, even if you don’t love it too much! Therefore, consider traveling to one of the mountains in Serbia and experience a snow magic! ECS is, as always, available to you for transport services. Here are some additional reasons why you should plan a great trip out of town today:

- Snow
If you have children, there is no need to persuade you – the little ones adore it! Sledding, skiing, Sneško Belić – this is an unforgettable experience and experience. And all of you who are not children must admit that it is wonderful to watch the snow fall, even from a warm room while sipping tea. - Food
Everyone relaxes a little during the winter! All those layers of clothing, winter jackets and coats make it impossible to see any extra pounds. And by summer there is plenty of time to fix things! So give yourself a breather and sometimes enjoy specialties that may not come to mind during the summer! - Winter sports
Skiing is great! There is no better way to feel the beauty of a winter day than on a ski slope. Unless you are a group of those who master this skill, clichés and sleds will definitely give you lots of fun and laughter! Don’t hesitate – the most important thing is to enjoy! - Bad hairstyles – no problem
Put on your hat and the problem solved! All those worries that women have in summer, winter simply – hide! Replace the time invested in the beautification with the time spent outdoors in the fresh air. - Air
There is a lot of talk about pollution and we are all becoming aware that it is a serious problem! There is no smog in the mountains! Breathe full lungs! - Warm baths and saunas
There is no better time for a warm bath or sauna than when it is snowing outside. Give yourself this little pleasure and you will not repent!
And for an enjoyable ride and full travel experience, call in the professionals – your ECS!