Measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19

The situation caused by COVID 19 in the world is very difficult. The whole world united in the fight against a virus that physically isolated people, separated them from each other, which took many lives. And yet, the world does not stop, it cannot stop. A large number of individuals still have to go to work, to meetings. Those who have to come out of the house – because they have to!

In line with the situation, ECS has taken measures to protect its employees, and we have decided to reduce the number of employees in the future to prevent the spread of this virus.

The safety and health of both our co-workers and our clients has always come first! This means that, until the pandemic is over, some of our employees will remain at home. And, you dear customers, don’t worry, ECS is still there for you, even though we are working with reduced capacity! For all of you who have important meetings, emergency appointments and business trips, contact us on time, schedule your appointment and be safe – ECS takes care of your safety. We take all necessary measures to minimize the risk of transmission. Our vehicles are completely disinfected regularly by means recommended by the competent services. The drivers are equipped with protective gloves and masks and avoid any physical contact with the client. Every kind of promo material, sweets – everything that could be a potential virus carrier – has been removed from the vehicle.

In this difficult time, we wish you to be wise and courageous. Be with your loved ones. Protect your health and that of your family. Pay special attention to hygiene. Read a good book or watch an interesting movie. Call friends, coworkers on the phone, support and encourage them. Stay home if you can.

Call ECS if you have to leave home. We are still here for you!

+381 63 282-900