It’s always a good time to educate!
We decided to look at things differently. We have decided not to say anything that has a hint of pessimism. We have decided to make the best decisions for our employees, but for you, our clients, as much as the conditions allow.

The whole world was shaken by the virus. And that’s a fact. The management and employees of the ECS limo service have concluded that we do not spend our time on the ground learning! By acquiring new knowledge, educating in different fields, we have decided to make the most of this time.
ECS is certified by PAX, an international training company. Our drivers have undergone detailed, precise training on how to act to prevent the spread of COVID 19. Because, don’t let anyone fool you – if you want to make sure the limousine you’re driving in is completely safe, know that those who care for it must possess certain knowledge and skills.
The goal of ECS has always been to improve the business. We did not do this superficially, but with the aim of making our employees feel comfortable being part of our team. By investing in people, we are actually investing in our business. For this reason, we have opted to send some of our employees home – because they are the safest there. But we gave all of them the opportunity to make good use of this time by learning about their business. And our job is to transport people safely and safely – at the moment quite a difficult task, right ?!
Because of that, don’t worry! If you must attend a business meeting, entrust the transportation services to professionals. To those who are learning and who are the right choice. Our mistakes are not stolen! The safety and health of both our employees and our customers come first!
Call us on time and schedule your transportation. If you can, stay home. If you need to make an appointment or a trip, call ECS!